

Multicellular Simulation

TU Dresden

A modeling and simulation environment for the study of multi-scale and multicellular systems.

Some of its key features are:

  • multi-scale simulation: simulate multi-scale multicellular systems coupling ODEs, PDEs and cellular Potts models in 2D or 3D.
  • declarative modelling: construct models by describing them in a GUI instead of programming code.
  • MorpheusML language: easily share model description files with collaborators and copy/paste model parts.
  • SBML support: import SBML models (e.g. from BioModels database) into selectable cell types of a multicellular model, over 80% of SBML L3V2 and package comp are supported, validated.
  • workflow: tools for data export, visualization and parameter scans.
  • automatic scheduling: efficient simulation based on computed model dependency graph and adaptive solvers.
  • extensible: customize and extend features by developing your own plugins.
  • open-source: source code at GitLab under BSD license.
  • public model repository: share your models with citable persistent identifier and authorship credit.
  • data integration: FitMultiCell toolbox for efficient parameter estimation from experimental data.
  • easy to get started: free online courses, context-sensitive in-app documentation, rich in-app examples menu, interactive model graph display.

Morpheus is developed by Jörn Starruß (repo), Walter de Back (repo) and Lutz Brusch at the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing, TU Dresden, Germany.

Screenshot of two overlapping Morpheus windows.
Morpheus' modeling (top) and simulation (bottom) interfaces.


Morpheus development is supported by

  • DFG Research Software Sustainability programme (project 391070520)
  • BMBF e:Med Systems Medicine network
  • BMBF Computational Life Sciences