1D PDE Barkley Model

Derived from the seminal Hodgkin-Huxley and FitzHugh-Nagumo models, the Barkley model is probably the simplest continuous model for excitable media. It replaces the cubic term in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model with a piece-wise linear term as a simplification that enables fast simulation.

The equations for the Barkley model are


where the variable u represents the fast dynamics and controls wave propagation and v represents the slow dynamics controlling refractoriness. The parameter ϵ determines the time scale separation between the two dynamics, larger a gives wider waves, increasing the ratio ba gives a larger excitability threshold.

Continuous Diffusion

To simulate this model with Morpheus, we first define two Fields for u and v in the Global section. These define scalar fields, i.e. spatially resolved continuous variables over the whole lattice domain. Second, we define a System of differential equations (DiffEqn) for ut and vt and enter the reaction term of the equations above. Moreover, we specify the constants e, a and b. What is left is the diffusion rate for u, which is specified as 0.5 in Field/Diffusion.

Morpheus implementation of Barkley's model in the `Global` section.
Morpheus implementation of Barkley’s model in the Global section.

Check out barkley1d_cont.xml to try yourself via:

Once the core of the model is set up, we define a linear lattice with periodic BoundaryConditions in the Space section and the simulation duration with StopTime (here set to 100) in the Time section. To visualize the results, you can add a Logger and a Logger/Plot that records and plots the values of u and v over space and time.

As initial condition, we let u be non-zero in a patch (with the location l) in the middle of the lattice s:

if( l.x>=s.x/2-5 and l.x<=s.x/2+5, 1, 0 )

And v be non-zero in the left part:

if( l.x<=s.x/2 , 1, 0 )

This forces the wave to propagate to the right, as shown below.

A 1D PDE model (Barkley's model) of excitable media.
A 1D PDE model (Barkley’s model) of excitable media.

Discrete Diffusion

Now, we want to reproduce this continuous spatial model with a discrete spatial model where each lattice site represents a biological cell. Later, we will expand this to 2D and add cellular dynamics using CPM.

In order to emphasize the discrete structure of the system, we first reduce the spatial resolution Space/Lattice/Size from 200 to 50 data points.

Reduction of the spatial resolution by assigning a smaller value to `Lattice`/`Size`.
Reduction of the spatial resolution by assigning a smaller value to Lattice/Size.

Check out barkley1d_discrete.xml to try yourself via:

Then, we take our System as defined in Global before, but move it to a CellType in the CellTypes section. So instead of a scalar field, we now want every cell to compute the reaction part for itself. That is, we convert the PDE to an ODE system.

`CellTypes` section of the discrete model.
CellTypes section of the discrete model.
You can just copy and paste to move the System from Global to CellTypes.

Furthermore, as you can see from the figure above, we need to adjust three more things in the CellTypes section:

  • To spatially couple the ODEs, we use a NeighborhoodReporter that looks at the value of u in the neighboring cells and returns the average of these values, which is assigned to the new Property u_n.

  • In the reaction term of ut, we now add Du*(0.5*u_n - 0.5*u) that defines the discretized version of diffusion, which can be interpreted as an undirected cell-to-cell transport term. The property Du is then set to the same value (0.5) as the diffusion rate in the continuous model.

  • To specify the initial values of u and v we now put our mathematical expressions, instead of in Global/Field as described above for the continuous model, in the respective Property in CellTypes/CellType.

To specify these initial values, you can alternatively use the InitProperty plugin in the CellPopulations section.

The initial values set via `CellPopulations`/`InitProperty`.
The initial values set via CellPopulations/InitProperty.

However, since we only need one cell population, we can simply set our initial values directly on the CellType level.

Besides the initial values, the initial state of the system also includes the spatial distribution of the cells. Therefore, in the section CellPopulations we finally add the plugin InitCellLattice which initializes a population of cells in which each lattice site is filled with exactly one cell.

Fill the entire lattice with one cell per lattice site using `InitCellLattice`.
Fill the entire lattice with one cell per lattice site using InitCellLattice.

To visualize the behavior of this system, you can use a Gnuplotter and color-code the cells using the u and v properties and see something like this:

A 1D discretized model of excitable media on a 1D row of cells.
A 1D discretized model of excitable media on a 1D row of cells.